viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Post N°3 The best Holidays/Concert ever

Hello, today I will talk abouut my best vacation.

My best vacation was when traveled to Brasil whit my friends Fernana and Sebastían.
We traveled to Brasil in summer 2013. I have family in Sao Paulo, we went to visit my family and also we met other cities as Rio de Janeiro and Bonito Matto Grosso in the jungle.

In Sao Paulo we went to National Museum of Sao Paulo and to Moderm Museum MAM. In this museum we met Brasilian artists but I don´t remember your names, sorry!
Also in Sao Paulo we went to Parque Ibirapuera. In this park there different animals.

After, we traveled in airplane to the North of Brasil, to Bonito Matto Grosso. This is a beautiful and wonderful place!!. I had never been in the jungle!! this experience is extraordinary. we could to see anteaters, araras, peresosos bears and toucans.
We stayed in Daniel´s home. He is the best friend to my cousin to Sao Paulo. In this home was a party every day!! and Daniel´s friends were to celebrate, the women we taught to a "sertanejo", this is a music similar to reggaeton. We drank beer every day!!!!.
Also, we swam in the river to Bonito, this was the best!!!, we swam whit fish of colours!!!

The last night in Bonito Matto Grosso, Daniel´s friend and we, went to the jungle in a van. We could observe the stars and could to see beautiful animals.

The next day, we traveled to Rio de Janeiro.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014


Hi, Today I'm going to tell you about a country I've always wanted to visit, México.

I love travel!!, my first travel was to Perú and Bolivia, I traveled backpacking with my sister. We got to know Machu Picchu in Perú, and the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia.

The following year I traveled to Brasil whit my friends Fernanda and Sebastían, we visited the jungle in Matto Grosso, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

This year  I traveled to Cuba, La Habana whit my friend Fernanda. We went to study in the national school of arts to La Habana for one month. This experience was beautiful because Cuba is a countryvery especial.

The next year in summer, I will travel to Arica because I will dance in the more important carnival of the site.

After travelling to Arica, I want to travel to México because is a beautiful country, is a country to many colours. I´m interested this country because preserved your culture and indigenous. I love your original culture. I want to meet your Mayan ruins. Also I want to see the murals in person, I like the history that painted. I love the murals and the painting mexican and your artist Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, etc.
Also I want to meet the land of the "Huicholes" and your "peyote". The Huicholes are the last indigenous native preserved in México.

Post 2 : Themed/Free Post 1

Hello, today I will talk about my creative working process:

My creative working process begins from a idea, and later this idea is worked whit some plastic or audiovisual material. This process is not easy because needed a investigation process whit different referent; usually I have read many book about the topic to work.
I always begin from my personals interests, for example this year I working about the construction of identity in Chile, specially I´m interested the relation whit Perú and Bolivia countries. 
This interest surges from my personal experience because my family is from the north of chile, and I dance andina´s, and my boyfriend is from Perú but resident of Chile.

In my works I tried pose the idea of the immigration and my fundament is the Océano Pacífico war.
The visual result and the aesthetic of my work are used referents the costumes for children in the school for example those use in the national holidays and the commemoration of Combate Naval de Iquique. 
I´m interested in this contradiction, be patriotic is be discriminatory.